Treat People Like People Logo Hand with Heart on Palm

We can be more. We can be better.
We can treat each other like people.
And together, we can change the world.

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the history and realities of disabilities in Minnesota.
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for equity and respect.
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Treat People like People Hand with Heart on Palm Logo

A Minnesota

Join the push to treat people like people
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Learn how with the help of the Elderly Waiver program Bashir is able to be independent.


Play Video about Governor of MN
Hear Governor Walz share his thoughts on how treating people like people makes Minnesota stronger.
Abuse stops with us
You can make a difference. Get the facts and find out how to use your voice.


Minnesota Logo

Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD)

Office of Ombudsman for Long Term Care (OOLTC)

Office of Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities (OMHDD) ​

Olmstead Implementation Office (OIO)

Minnesota Council on Disability (MCD)

Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)

Disability Services Division of the Minnesota Department of Human Services

Disability Hub, Department of Human Services

The Arc Minnesota

Advocating Change Together