
Explore resources focusing on advocacy, promoting equity, ending the abuse of individuals with disabilities, and identifying available services and programs.

To Report An Incident Of Abuse

If you know or suspect that a vulnerable adult is in immediate danger, call 911 or local law enforcement. Otherwise, call Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center (MAARC) at 844-880-1574. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


The Institute on Community Integration (ICI) at the University of Minnesota pushes the edge of inclusion through an intensive focus on policies and practices that affect children, youth, and adults with disabilities, and those receiving educational supports.
State of Minnesota website providing resources to those with autism and their families.
The GCDD provides information, education, and training to build knowledge, develop skills, and change attitudes that will lead to increased independence, productivity, self-determination, integration, and inclusion (IPSII) for people with developmental disabilities and their families. You can watch a series of videos The GCDD co-created, with people with disabilities, a series of skits illustrating the Bill of Rights for Individuals Receiving Waiver Services.
State of Minnesota website providing documentation of state and federal bill of rights for people receiving health services in the following various care and community settings.
A free statewide resource network that helps those with disabilities solve problems, navigate the system, and plan for the future. Helping those with disabilities create their best life.
HCBS provide toolkit containing frequently asked questions, guidance, and examples of provider practices that support choice and autonomy for people who receive home and community-based services, including person-centered practices, rights, community integration and engagement, transportation, and employment.
The ARC MN’s Guide about victimization and abuse. Educates on people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) having the highest rate of abuse compared to people with other disabilities, being 3 times more likely to experience violent crime. Violent crime includes rape, assault, and robbery.
An interactive dashboard providing an overview of key data points from the intake investigations of maltreatment reports received by the Minnesota Department of Human Services Licensing Division.
An interactive dashboard that explains what happens after reports are made by the public or mandated reporters to the Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center (MAARC) for an adult who is suspected to be vulnerable and abused, neglected, or exploited. Data includes: number of reports, agency receiving the referral that is responsible for response, types of allegations, demographics for the adult, and response when a county agency is responsible.
A summary of the Minnesota Department of Human Services Vulnerable Adults Mandated Training Course.
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